This is another questions asked Complex Systems.
My work is at the following file
2 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba
How to Communicate with ET?
This is an interesting question asked for homework at Complex Systems Lessons,
Here is my answer
Here is my answer
Random Walk Survey - Homework
It is just a small review about random walks and its two example application is given.
Random Walk is a concept that is surely used in many topics of Computer Science and it has a lot more contributions to do in the future. In this survey paper we are going to deal with the concept of random walk, its application areas and the future contributions. We also give some experimental details to show the nature of random walk.
Here is the document
Random Walk is a concept that is surely used in many topics of Computer Science and it has a lot more contributions to do in the future. In this survey paper we are going to deal with the concept of random walk, its application areas and the future contributions. We also give some experimental details to show the nature of random walk.
Here is the document
23 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi
Maximum s-t Network Flow Algorithms
Recently, at one of the course at Boğaziçi University, we learned maximum s-t flow algorithms. One of the challenging part is to understand these algorithms and make them work on a sample graph. I guess that I can able to solve these algorithms on a given graph. Since the web lacks of the example run of both three algorithms; Capacity Scaling Algorithm, Edmond's Karp Algorithm and Ford Fulkerson Algorithm, I decided to post this message to the interested people.
This is the sample run of both of the three algorithms, I will be happy if the figures are helpful,
This is the sample run of both of the three algorithms, I will be happy if the figures are helpful,
20 Kasım 2009 Cuma
Complex Systems Presentation
Recently, I am taking a course at Bogaziçi University, called Complex Systems. It is a graduate course and each week we present a paper the lesson. This is my last presentation, a review paper from Nowak et al. 2002. This paper explains both combinational and evolutionary aspects of language. The definition of language is investigated using formal language theory, learning theory and evolutionary dynamics. It is really interesting and maybe must be read paper on the area of language dynamics.
Here is the presentation document via
Here is the presentation document via
6 Kasım 2009 Cuma
3D hierarchical drawing
Recently I am working on Irrlicht 3D Engine. The engine is so simple so that I can modify one of their sample code in order to partially 3d drawing of hierarchical layout. The results for the first time seems to be good and I decided to work on this.
I put the mountain view at the back of the view and it is really interesting.
Here are sample screens from the first code of mine at this engine
I put the mountain view at the back of the view and it is really interesting.
Here are sample screens from the first code of mine at this engine
4 Kasım 2009 Çarşamba
Random Walk
I am following a course at Bogazici University. I did a random walk in 2D simulation using leda C++ library again. By the way this library is perfect when you learn some basic data types you can do most of your computer science homeworks.
Here is some screens and final stats,
Here is some screens and final stats,
26 Eylül 2009 Cumartesi
Graphviz to LEDA convertor 2
Now I completed this convertor. Graphviz is more comfortable with drawings. The sample function and sample outputs are given below.
Coding document
Coding document
24 Eylül 2009 Perşembe
Hypergraph Implementation in C++ using LEDA
I implemented a code for the specific graphs called "Hypergraphs". There are some works to be done. Here are header file and declerations
7 Eylül 2009 Pazartesi
Graphviz to LEDA convertor
I am able to use LEDA C++ library. For some applications and for some comparisons, I need to convert graphs from LEDA to Grapviz format. I am working on it, and I will post the LEDA source code later.
I worked on the topic related with Directed Layered Graphs. I think that it would be useful to see existing graphs of LEDA in graphviz.
Here is preliminary showcase of the work
I worked on the topic related with Directed Layered Graphs. I think that it would be useful to see existing graphs of LEDA in graphviz.
Here is preliminary showcase of the work
2 Eylül 2009 Çarşamba
Simple Bicluster View Chart with Java
If you need the jar file or source code please send me an email. The program uses Jchart Package for Java.
17 Mayıs 2009 Pazar
Nine Men's Morris
This is Nine Men's Morris game the graph is produced using LEDA C++ library. For the code please email me.
16 Nisan 2009 Perşembe
BICoB 2009 Presentation
Last week, I was in New Orleans for BICoB 2009 conference. We presented a paper named "Biclustering Expression Data Based on Expanding Localized Substructures". It could be found in this proceeding.
My presentation
My presentation
17 Mart 2009 Salı
I am still working on Biclustering topic. If anybody comes with the idea, we can implement and publish papers. Now, I am trying to improve BICoB paper with my Master Degree advisor, Dr. Cesim Erten. We are about to submit a journal paper.
AI Vacuum Cleaner Agent Implementation
Nowadays, I am trying to simulate a vacuum cleaner as a homework for AI course. I am using LEDA C++ library and I will include the implementation details later. Who may need the source code should send an email . However, I will be able to send it after the grade assesment and you should have the licensed LEDA C++ library in order to execute.
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