This semester, in terms of number of project posted, is the most productive semester of mine :). At this report, I presented a method for XML streams coming through the environment to our database system. These streams are also probabilistic as well, that means you can not infere knowledge before the incoming data. The presented method and brief survey is given at the following report;
22 Ocak 2010 Cuma
Comparison of Sensor Network Routing Algorithms; Flooding, Gossiping, Rumor Routing
At this semester, I have taken Sensor Networks course and as a final project professor asked me to compare well known three sensor network routing algorithms. I wrote a brief survey and showed comparison plots as well.
Here is the report,
Here is the report,
16 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi
Digital Organism and Reasons for Cancer Cells
As a term project for one of my courses lectured by H. Bingol, we have done a research over how digital organism promotes the cancer cells. We provide an approach how the cancer cells evolves in a simulated digital organism which is based on graph and some related structures.
The report of project is below
and a four showcase of our organism for different mutation rates
The report of project is below
and a four showcase of our organism for different mutation rates
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